Mustaruuti PM - NC in Muzzle Loading

Mustaruuti PM-kilpailuissa ammutaan kaikki MLAIC:n ja Skandinaaviset lajit (vähintään 5 osallistujaa). 

The Nordic Championships in Muzzle Loading 2024 will take place at Orivesi, Finland on 19.-21.7.2024. All MLAIC official events and Scandinavian events will be shot during the competition (if at least five competitors attend).

Tervetuloa - Wellcome to Orivesi!

Erät, ampujat ja TULOKSET, klikkaa tästä - Events, shooters and RESULTS, klick this link


Asetarkastus - Weapon control

Kaikki aseet tulee esittää asetarkastuksessa ennen ko lajin ammuntaa - All weapons has to be controlled prior shooting.

Tarkastusajat - Weapon control times:

Torstai - Thursday 19:00-19:30
Perjantai - Friday  10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
Lauantai - Saturday  7:30-10:00
Sunnuntai - Sunday  8:00-11:00

Aikataulu - Timetable

Lopullinen aikataulu ja lajit - Final shooting schedule and events.

 Friday 19.7.2024
Time, event
12:00 S&W
13:00 Manton (120 min)
15:30 Lorenzoni (90 min)
18:00 Husqvarna (80 min)
19:30 Delegates meeting

Saturday 20.7.2024
Time, event
09:00 Minie
10:00 Remington Match
11:00 Maximilian
12:00 Vetterli
12:00 Kuchenreuter
13:00 Kuchenreuter
14:00 Donald Malson
15:00 Cominazzo
16:00 Colt
19:30 Illallinen Koulutie 5, 35300 Orivesi - Dinner at Koulutie 5, 35300 Orivesi (muista ennakkoilmoittautua - pre registeration needed)

Sunday 21.7.2024
Time, event
09:00 Whitworth
10:00 Whitworth
11:00 Miquelet
11:00 Mariette
12:00 Mariette
13:00 Pensylvania
14:00 Lamarmora
15:00 Jarmann, O and R
16:30 Palkintojenjako - Prize giving ceremony

Team events
13 Peterlongo (Mariette)
20 Rigby (Whitworth)
24 Pforzheim (Vetterli)
31 Halikko (Miquelet)
33 Forsyth (Kuchenreuter)
Scandinavian Cup (Smith & Wesson)
Winchester (Jarmann)

Additional Notes for participants:

  • Each shooter will register directly to the competition organizer. When the registration time is over the national team captains will be informed their shooters and their events. After this, captains will name they teams and team members. Deadline for team registeration is 23.6. 23:59.
  • Please note that formal MLAIC and MLASC rules will be followed.
    • No extra time is allowed for age.
    • If the shooter wishes to use shooting benches for 100 meter range, the shooter must bring his/her own. These are not provided.
    • Gun control will open in the morning before events. It is the responsibility of the individual shooter to provide proofs of the historical correctness of his guns and the ammunition used if this question arises.
    • Protest deadline is One hour after the results are posted. On Sunday afternoon the protest time will be only 30 minutes.
  • Accommodation recommendation:
  • Cafeteria will serve you all days.
  • We kindly inform also, that at the time there is shortage of certain grades of Black Powder in the Finnish market. We will try to sort this out before summer, but if possible, it might be best to coordinate common freights as you plan the trips.

Ilmoittautuminen on päättynyt 18.6. klo 23:59. Registeration time is ended 18.6. 23:59.

Luotilajit - Precision events 18 € / kpl - event
Haulikkolajit - Clay events 25 € / kpl - event
Joukkuelajit - Team events 30 € / joukkue - team
Lauantain illallinen - Saturday dinner 45 € / hlö - person
Jälki-ilmoittautuminen (jos on tilaa) - Registration after deadline (if available) 40 € / kpl - event.

Maksut maksetaan OrivA:n tilille 1.7.2024 mennessä: FI80 5311 0040 0021 59. Viestikenttään merkitään ampujan nimi ja seura.
Payments to: Oriveden Ampujat ry, BIC: OKOYFIHH, IBAN: FI80 5311 0040 0021 59, Info: type your name.